Reclamation of oil-contaminated lands

Reclamation of oily land is a complex process aimed at cleaning soils from toxic compounds and restoring the original biocenosis.

The Asia Yollary Economic Society, together with AMA ENGINEERING LLC, developed a mobile complex for physical and chemical cleaning of oil-contaminated land with a capacity of 5 to 20 cubic meters per hour.
The method includes:
Oily soil is mixed with a liquid chemical reagent of complex action "APC-20" and service water, creating an oil emulsion;
In the process of separation, the oil emulsion is divided into 3 phases, oil and oils, service water with APC-20 reagent and cleaned soil.
Then oil and oils are supplied for sedimentation into the tank and then pumped into tanks for transportation and further processing.
Service water with APC-20 reagent is supplied to the tank for heating and further operation.
Cleaned soil is fed through a conveyor belt into a thermal drying chamber for complete cleaning.
Laboratory studies showed an average oil content of 0.47% in the soil, which corresponds to environmental standards.