Maintenance and repair of lifting mechanisms

Repair and maintenance of hoisting mechanisms is a regular and mandatory procedure due to the need to ensure accident-free and safe operation of equipment at production. The most important components that are subject to inspection are the engine, running gears, control units, conductor, metal structure systems, key joints. In addition to the cranes themselves, crane tracks are subject to maintenance, since they are directly involved in all major works and must comply with safety standards and technical requirements.

Current crane repair
It is carried out in order to identify and eliminate existing minor shortcomings in the work and continue the subsequent operation of the crane on a regular basis.
Routine repairs include:
· Repair and replacement of worn parts
· Welding cracks on metal structures
· Elimination of corrosion and destruction sources
· Correction of deformed areas and bends that appeared during operation
· Replacement of bearings, key joints
Measures related to the current repair of crane equipment occur on individual conditions, are determined by the regular load and the life of the crane.

Other Services

Development of design documentation for high-tech industrial facilities, as well as oil, gas, mimic and energy facilities, and industrial facilities.

Design, coordination and turnkey construction of trunk oil and gas pipelines is one of the main directions of our work. We guarantee prompt execution of all stages of the complex of works on gasification of your facility.

Complex design and pre-design works in industrial and civil construction from design to commissioning of the facility.

Industrial safety - the state of protection of individuals and legal entities, the environment from the harmful effects of hazardous production factors.